With the back and spine being such complex structures, it is not unusual for a person to suffer occasional acute back pain. The spinal cord, vertebrae, spinal nerves, discs, ligaments, tendons, and muscles all contribute to humans being able to walk, run, jump, and bend. At Lighthouse Family Chiropractic in Hilliard, our chiropractor treats patients for conditions that cause back problems. Dr. Suzie has gathered some of the questions that she runs into regarding back pain.


Q. What parts of the back can be affected by pain?

Any area in your back can be affected by pain. The most common areas are the neck and lower back.

Q. Aside from my back hurting, are there any other related issues?

Yes. You may also suffer from muscle pain and spasms, pain running down a leg into the foot, or pain in an arm and into a hand. Experiencing a limited range of motion in the affected part of the body is also quite common.

Q. What causes back pain?

There are a variety of causes for back pain. The most common involve vertebral misalignments, displaced or herniated spinal discs, the aging process, and stenosis which is a narrowing of the spinal column. These problems can put pressure on the spinal nerves and cause back pain or other symptoms.

Q. Are there treatment options for back pain relief that do not involve surgery?

Chiropractic care is very effective at relieving back pain and supporting the recovery process. Best of all, it does not rely on pain medication or invasive procedures like surgery to produce results.

Q. How does chiropractic care relieve back pain?

Gentle spinal adjustments by our chiropractor will realign the affected vertebrae back to their proper positions. Other conservative treatments like electronic muscle stimulation and deep tissue ultrasound can be used to make the realignment easier. Home exercises will be recommended to strengthen the affected area and hold the realigned spinal components in place to prevent the injury from recurring.

Q. Should I worry about chronic back pain?

Ignoring acute back pain can cause chronic and debilitating back pain that is more difficult to treat. Chiropractic care and maintenance will prevent your back pain from becoming chronic.

Get Back Pain Relief in Hilliard, OH

Dr. Suzie at Lighthouse Family Chiropractic has extensive training and experience in treating back conditions and providing back pain relief. Schedule an appointment with us for an initial examination. We will determine what is causing your back pain and discomfort. We will create an individualized treatment plan that is designed to provide pain relief and support the recovery process. Call our team today at (614) 876-0854 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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