Chiropractic Care for Auto Accidents

Car accidents are scary. A lot can go through your mind after the accident, including how you're going to treat your injuries. Luckily, chiropractic care can help with many injuries from auto accidents. At Lighthouse Family Chiropractic in Hilliard, OH, our team can help you find pain relief and recover after an accident.


Common Auto Accident Injuries

Because of the violent nature of auto accidents, there are several injuries you're likely to experience if you're involved in one. Not only does the impact whip your body back and forth rapidly, but the airbags deploying or your body hitting the interior of the car can lead to numerous injuries. These are some of the most common injuries that result from auto accidents:

  • Whiplash
  • Broken and fractured bones
  • Muscle strains and tears
  • Head injuries and concussions
  • Knee trauma
  • Broken ribs
  • Scrapes and cuts

While some injuries are more serious than others, car accidents are always a serious matter. It's always a smart idea to get treatment immediately after you've been in a car accident to make sure you don't have internal bleeding or other life-threatening conditions. If you have memory loss or confusion, you need medical attention.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

One difficult thing about auto accidents is the fact that you might not realize how badly you're injured right away. It often takes a while for symptoms to present themselves. Many muscle pains, including neck and back injuries, take a while to develop. One of the most common injuries from auto accidents is whiplash. This can cause a lot of pain. We can treat whiplash and other neck and spinal problems using adjustment techniques. These not only relieve pain, but restore your body’s balance.

Other injuries from car accidents can cause muscle tension or headaches. We offer massage therapy and corrective exercise treatments that can alleviate pain from these injuries.

Getting treatment soon after an auto accident is an important part of getting back to your normal life. If you don't want to take pain medications or undergo risky surgery, visiting our chiropractors is a great option. Our team of professionals can help you get relief from back and neck pain while helping your injuries heal quicker.

Start Your Path to Recovery

If you've recently been in an auto accident, it is important to start chiropractic treatment right away. Even if you don’t feel injured, there are many underlying problems that can be caused by car accidents. At Lighthouse Family Chiropractic in Hilliard, OH, we can help you get the pain and symptom relief you need to make your recovery easy. Call Lighthouse Family Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment and start your path to recovery.



9:00 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 3:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 6:00 pm


By Appointment Only



9:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
By Appointment Only